On Oct 8, 1:18 pm, Disconnect <dc.disconn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We just use packages:
>  package { "puppet": ensure => latest }

Seconded, mostly. We target specific versions, and test in a lab
first, but self upgrades work. We've gone through up, and down, grades
of multiple versions of .24, .25, and 2.6. In every case that I can
recall we just let puppet update itself without incident.

Typically we'll fork off a puppetmaster, then update to the target rev
& module/manifests. Next all of the regular puppetmasters run against
the fork and upgrade. Then clients start checking in and upgrading.
Downgrades are pretty much just the opposite. A key point is
controlling who upgrades when, typically just needs a case/selector
based on role/puppetclass.

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