Thought I'd just post some manifest code for what people have already described to give you some ideas.
The following is a parameterised class where you can either use the site default, or pass in any version of Puppet you want: class puppet($request_version = "") { #everything needs common! include common ###################################################################### # # !!! VERY IMPORTANT VARIABLE !!! # #The exact version (including release number) of the Puppet package #to install. Updating this will upgrade Puppet SITE WIDE! # #If you want to upgrade one node, pass the class include the #'request_version' variable like so: # node foo { class {fh_puppet: request_version => "9.8.7" } } if $request_version == "" { $puppet_version = "2.6.2-1" } else { $puppet_version = $request_version } ###################################################################### #We build the Puppet RPMs ourselves so we need our internal repository realize Managed_yumrepo[internal] package{"puppet": ensure => $puppet_version, } #The puppetd service, restart when the package changes so we're not running #old versions of the daemon. service { "puppet": enable => true, ensure => running, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, subscribe => Package["puppet"], } ... } I use Ruby Enterprise for Puppet Masters, so have created my own define to install/upgrade Gems in the Ruby Enterprise environment: #use the Ruby Enterprise Gem installer for a given Gem name define entgempackage($version = "") { $gemcmd = "/opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/gem" #If no version is specified, attempt to install any version of the named gem. #This will not upgrade Gems. if $version == "" { $cmd = "$gemcmd install $name" exec { "$cmd": unless => "/usr/bin/test `$gemcmd list $name | grep $name | wc - l` -eq 1", logoutput => "on_failure", } } #otherwise, install the supplied version. If the gem is already installed, #the gem will be updated instead of installed along side the current version. else { $cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'if [[ `$gemcmd list $name | grep $name | wc - l` -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ `$gemcmd list $name | grep $version | wc -l` - eq 0 ]]; then $gemcmd update $name -v $puppet; fi; else $gemcmd install $name -v $version; fi'" exec { "$cmd": unless => "/usr/bin/test `$gemcmd list $name | grep $version | wc -l` -gt 0", logoutput => "on_failure", } } } And then a class for the Puppet Master: class puppet::master inherits puppet { include common include httpd::ssl include subversion include ruby_enterprise::passenger #The puppet version variable can't come from the parent class as the RPM version #contains a release number and this is not handled by Gem (they don't have #release numbers). $puppet_gem_version = "2.6.2" entgempackage { "puppet": version => $puppet_gem_version, require => Entgempackage["passenger"], notify => Service["httpd"], } ... } On Oct 8, 9:15 pm, Forrie <> wrote: > I'm just beginning with Puppet. One issue I've run into is updates. > As my nodes expand, updating each individual node via my manual method > becomes daunting. > > Could someone share their recipe or procedure for using the puppet > master to distribute updates of puppet to the client nodes? I would > guess using a "gem" would be easier. Updating puppet on the master > node isn't much of a problem via source, though perhaps I should > consider the "gem" there as well? > > Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at