On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:56 AM, Tim Stoop wrote:

> Hi all,
> To start, using puppet 0.25.5 on Debian Lenny with Ruby
> I'm giving ruby a shot and am trying to build my own types for several
> applications and modify available types found on the 'net for our
> usage. However, I keep running into problems with the default provider
> it selects. Is there a document somewhere that describes how the
> default provider is selected? I am currently modifying the mysql types
> from the camptocamp repo[0] and trying to get it to work on Debian. I
> only modified the command so it would include --defaults-file=/etc/
> mysql/debian.cnf. But when I try to use the type, I get:
> err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not find a
> default provider for mysql_database
> So I tried adding the line:
> defaultfor :operatingsystem => :debian

I think this means the plugin(the .rb files) are getting found or aren't all 
getting found.  What's the complete local path to mysql_database.rb?

Mine would be in:

(Note that those are two different files.)

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