On Nov 8, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Kent wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm a new puppet user and new to the forum.
> I just switched my Puppetmaster to running inside Apache (via
> Passenger). When I make a change to a resource on the master, it
> sometimes takes a given node TWO runs before the master will realize
> the resource has changed and recompile a new catalog version for the
> node. For example, say my puppetmaster is serving configuration
> version '123' to a node. I change the file permissions for a file
> resource that's part of that catalog and then do a puppet run on the
> node. If I'm running with Passenger, the master serves config version
> '123' one more time (the agent makes no changes). The next time I run
> the node's agent, the master compiles new catalog version '456' and
> the agent makes the permission change.
> A few items of note:
> 1.  This is not a problem with all changes to puppet module content.
> For example, if I change the source contents of a file in the 'files'
> directory of a module, the master will notice this immediately and the
> puppet agent on the node will grab the new file on the first run
> following the change on the master.

Files sent using "source" aren't part of the catalog.  Instead, the client asks 
the server for them while the client is using the catalog and not during the 
compilation done on the server.

I would guess this is because the problem you are having is happening during 
the compilation on the server.

> 2.  At first I thought maybe this was a timing issue (e.g. I was doing
> the puppet run too quickly after making the resource change) but it's
> not; whether I wait 5 seconds or 5 minutes before making the first
> puppet run, the master still doesn't notice the change.  I set the
> 'filetimeout' setting in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf to 0 and it didn't
> help.
> Any ideas on what's going on here? (thanks in advance for your help)

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