Hi all,

Hi all,

We use puppet for, amongst other things, managing the private-key
files needed for things like SSL certificates for HTTPS web servers.
We have a few constraints on how these are handled, and changes in
recent versions of puppet are making this harder than it perhaps ought
to be to implement, so I'm curious to know how others are handling it.

A site's private key file should obviously be kept private, and only
those nodes which are running the site should have access to it. This
would seem to rule out using something like

file{"/path/to/foo.key": source=>"puppet:///keys/foo.key"} , because
any valid puppet client could access foo.key.

It's possible to secure the file server, but not (as far as I can see)
in a way which is aware of the node's manifest. So either we'd have to
keep updating auth.conf with a list of nodes that were allowed to
access each key file (error-prone, we have hundreds of both, and the
node<=>required keys relationship is many-to-many ), or accept that
other nodes could access keys that they shouldn't be able to.

So, we currently do this:

file{"/path/to/foo.key": content=>file("/keys/foo.key")}

Since (AIUI) nodes can only access the catalog for the FQDN which
matches their certificate, the puppetmaster will ensure that the key
is available only to the hosts that need it.

All good, except that in 0.25 and up (which we're slowly migrating
to), this often doesn't work. The rest APIs require UTF-8 content, and
keys are binary, so catalog requests fail if the key happens to
contain bytes which aren't valid UTF-8. (http://
projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/4832 talks about this a bit, and
includes the observation that "So there’s a design decision after all:
If PSON is to be JSON compatible – no binary data.".

How are other people getting around this? Do you just allow all
clients to access all keys? Is there a native type, or an auth.conf
trick, that I'm missing? Or a more binary-friendly encoding than JSON/



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