Trying to track down why all the modules in my production environment
are auto-loaded at the beginning of a run for a node that is in my
development environment.  The run fails because it cannot find the
modules in my development environment which are named differently from
production.  Makes me think that the wrong ones are getting auto-
loaded, or that it is looking for the development modules in the wrong


On Nov 11, 9:14 am, "R.I.Pienaar" <> wrote:
> ----- "Eric Snow" <> wrote:
> > My understanding was that at the beginning of each run the
> > puppetmaster imports all modules so that any includes at the top
> > level
> > are applied directly.  However, I am not so sure anymore.
> > I've been tracing how this works and it seems like modules are
> > included more lazily.  In other words, when able_to_import is called
> > seems like when the magic happens, rather than up front when the run
> > starts.
> > Could I get some clarification on when all the modules get imported
> > and what part of them gets loaded?  Thanks.
> my understanding is that it's lazy and on demand.  Why does it matter in
> general use that should be fine, so curious what your use is
> --
> R.I.Pienaar

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