----- "Eric Snow" <es...@verio.net> wrote:

> On the puppetmaster:
> info: Caching node for <HOSTNAME>
> info: Could not find class hosttypes::unassigned for <HOSTNAME>
> notice: Compiled catalog for d<HOSTNAME> in 0.01 seconds
> info: Caching catalog for <HOSTNAME>

ok, disregard previous mail.

if you're including hosttypes::unassigned

you need to put the file in either:

modulepath/hosttypes/manifests/init.pp or 

you cant just put them in any files, it has to know where to find them.

> > settings
> > |-- all
> >     |-- manifests
> >         |-- init.pp
> >         |-- hosttypes.pp
> >
> > -- node (in development) --
> >
> > node test {
> >     include hosttypes::unassigned
> >
> > }
> >
> > -- init.pp --
> >
> > import "*"
> >
> > -- hosttypes.pp --
> >
> > class hosttypes::unassigned {
> >     notify {"hosttypes::unassigned ": }
> >     notice("hosttypes::unassigned ")
> >     service {"httpd":
> >         enable => false,
> >         ensure => stopped,

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