On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Daniel Piddock
<dgp-g...@corefiling.co.uk> wrote:
>  On 01/12/10 09:57, Daniel Piddock wrote:
>>  On 30/11/10 18:07, Eric Sorenson wrote:
>>> Minimally in your current code change 'include repositories::debian' to 
>>> 'require("repositories::debian")' - this is a built-in function that does 
>>> an include-plus-require and will produce the ordering you want  (Thanks to 
>>> Jeff Mccune for pointing me at this)  
>>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/function.html#require
>> require was the function I was looking for. So obvious and documented.
> It appears that I was a little too early in my celebration.
> "require $class" causes you to import the class, however no dependency
> is then placed on the *contents* of said class. I'm in exactly the same
> position. If I have "require => Class[repository::fedora]" instead of
> just "require => Class[repository]" in the Package definition I get the
> results desired. This strikes me as a design flaw.

It sounds like you don't have a relationship defined between
Class[repository] and Class[repository::fedora] ?

Setting up a relationship with the former does not imply a
relationship with the latter.

> I tried the puppet 2.6.3 gem but it still performs in the same fashion.
> I'll try generating some simplified configs in a test environment and
> file a bug report. Then I'll redesign everything else.
> Dan
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