On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 15:28:22 +0100
Felix Frank wrote:

> On 12/09/2010 03:12 PM, Arnau Bria wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > thanks for your replies.
> > 
> > So doc is confusing here:
> > 
> > http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Puppet_Templating
> > [...]
> >         content => template("tracsite.erb"),
> > [...]
> Ah, but that document assumes that your templates are directly inside
> your $templatesdir, not in a module.

yep. for that reason I said confusing and not wrong :-)
> That can indeed be confusing. You may want to take a look and see if
> there is a good place in there to add a warning about this.
I'll create my user and do the edit.

> Cheers,
> Felix

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