> OK - I did work out that the "path" is optional if the file block "name"
> is the same,
> I'm not in agreement with the abbreviated source line though - I like my
> files to be in the same basic tree as the target so I can find stuff and
> naming is fully deterministic - force of habit but I like that habit(!).
> I presume, if I really wanted to, I could implement a new "file" module
> with a slightly different name to follow my preferred logic? I like the
> puppet "outer skeleton" but I'm not digging the file handling...

I believe most people are bound to write this define sooner or later:

define my_file() {
  file { "$name":
    source => "puppet:///files/$name",

It's a bit trickier to add support for all of file's options, but once
that's in, it's a huge advantage.

You should try and use modules, BTW. It saves pain down the road.


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