On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 11:13:18 -0800
Nan Liu <n...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:

> This does not appear to be a bug. There's an implicit dependency for
> the file /etc/init/ssh.conf on file resource /etc/init. File /etc/init
> is in stage main, and File /etc/init/ssh.conf in in stage pre which
> cause a dependency loop. In this case, I would simply make the ssh
> package depend on the changes you've implemented.
> package { "ssh":
>    ensure => latest,
>    require => Class["disable_upstart_for_sshd"],
> }

I have a module for openssh; the problem with this approach is that I
wanted to keep that module as generic as possible so I can use it on
other OS versions where this hack isn't necessary. Do you have a
suggestion for a more general workaround?

Dan Urist

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