On Feb 15, 1:27 pm, David Bishop <tean...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In a perfect world, we could have three possible "verbosity" levels:
> 1) Only show errors (failures to compile the catalog, "fails", etc)
> 2) #1 + all changes (Anything "notice", in a normal --test run), but
> without the diffs that you would normally get or anything "info" level.
> 3) The full output (What you get with --verbose now) including info
> (loading custom facts, diffs to changed files, etc).


I got a bit sidetracked there. Puppet logs with the standard syslog
levels internally[2]. The 'agent' application only accepts switches
for the 'debug' and 'info' levels currently[3]. I suspect that most of
the internal actions are debug/info/warn/err, so there's probably not
enough variance. Currently you're looking at all this through
the :console log destination[4]. A new destination that outputs
structured data may do what you want too. Then you could call --
logdest json and parse that back on the mc agent.

Sending a copy of the 'report' metrics back to the mc client is
probably the best way to get what you want. Then your clients can
filter what they care about. For that you;d need a new terminus
besides 'rest'. If there's not an open RFE for this I'd open one.
Looks like #4712 [5] may be related.

[2] lib/puppet/util/log.rb
[3] lib/puppet/application/agent.rb#setup_logs
[4] lib/puppet/util/log/destinations.rb
[5] http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/4712

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