On Apr 18, 7:03 pm, Sans <r.santanu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 18, 6:11 pm, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
> > If the file exists before the Puppet run, then Puppet will not split
> > it up, but when Puppet creates a new repo definition it always goes
> > into its own file.  You could, however, concatenate the resulting
> > files after the fact, probably via an exec.  If having the repos in
> > multiple files bothers you, the go vote for bug #2062.
> Although it's bothering me a to some extent, it's more likely a
> question of compatibility. When the RHEL is the OS in question, RHEL
> itself delivers the repo in the format, whilst Puppet doesn't support
> that yet (as far as I understood in my few days of experience). Thanks
> for the info on the bug reporting, I'll look for it.

As I wrote before, "If the file exists before the Puppet run, then
Puppet will not split it up."  Perhaps I should have been more
specific: in that case, Puppet will work fine with the file containing
multiple repo declarations.  It will successfully manage all the
repositories defined in such a file, and it will keep them together in
that file.  This has worked since at least 0.24.8.

What Puppet does not like is the same repo being defined in more than
one file, and perhaps that's what you've run into.  Yum supposedly
accepts duplicates, so that might contribute to the appearance that
the problem is with Puppet.  As far as i can tell, however, Yum's
*treatment* of duplicates is undocumented, so I cannot fault Puppet
for objecting.

> > > I see, "descr" can't be used more than once in the same yumrepo{}
> > > section. What's the work around? Cheers!!
> > I didn't know this was a restriction.  If it is, then it will apply
> > whether you declare your Yumrepos in the same or different blocks.
> > There is no reason why it should need to be unique, so if you indeed
> > see such behavior then I'd file a ticket.
> Looks like I was doing something wrong when I tried that for the first
> time. If I do something like this:


> Puppet creates two separate file, which actually does makes sense the
> way Puppet works.

I'm glad you've sorted it out.


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