It sounds like you are solving the wrong problem.
Why do your users have root privs?
If they need root for some things, use sudo to give them
only what they need.  Or use suid/sgid mechanisms
to allow community access to certain resources.

If you need to lock down specific files look at the
immutable bit that some file systems have.


On 04/06/2011 05:50 PM, John Chris Richards wrote:
Hi all

Firstly, I am new in configuration management and all I know about
watching files is that client checks a file's check sum every t hour
and if a change has occurred then it gets the file from the server.

I wonder that if a user changes a file, does the puppet client wait
end of the time (t) or is there way to say client if a change occurs
in a specific file then make an immediate pull? I mean, I don't want
to wait until the time is up. Is there a way to make this in puppet?

Thanks in advance.

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