I don't know how helpful this would be but for now I think I found a
"workaround" of sorts for my small environment.

I commented out the following in my puppet.conf...

        facts_terminus = inventory_active_record
        dbadapter = mysql
        dbname = puppet_inv
        dbuser = puppet_inv
        dbpassword = cabb0ac9ed925867f93587ccfb147ebf15dec8a3
        dbserver = localhost
        dbsocket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

I got rid of all that and after 2 days of puppetmaster running I only
see a few entries when doing "lsof | grep puppetmas" rather than 100s.

I'm also not doing stored configs but I think those lines above were
still the problem as it was puppet interfacing with MySQL.

What potential benefit would be lost from not using MySQL for
"facts_terminus" ?

- Trey

On May 24, 7:17 pm, Todd Zullinger <t...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Nathan Clemons wrote:
> >http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3238is the issue I was
> > thinking of, but 3693 is probably a duplicate of that.
> > These bugs have been open a really long time. Outside of lowering
> > the MySQL timeout value, are there any workarounds for this problem?
> > I can't really understand how Zynga can be managing as many hosts
> > via Puppet as they do without being affected by a bug like this,
> > unless they're not using stored configs (which would surprise me).
> Sadly, I don't know of any decent workarounds. I ended up rolling a
> rails-2.3.5 for EL-5 in the production instances I wanted to use
> storedconfigs.  I would love to see a workaround or a patch for either
> the activerecord or puppet packages.  I know that either way this can
> be fixed will get into EPEL shortly, as it's a very annoying bug that
> was introduced with the update from 0.24 to 0.25.
> --
> Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I figure that if God actually does exist, He's big enough to
> understand an honest difference of opinion.
>     -- Isaac Asimov
>  application_pgp-signature_part
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