I don't have that directory.  However I came across this module
https://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-sudo which among many things
enlightened me to the new feature in sudo-1.7.2+ of using includedir
and /etc/sudoers.d that you mentioned.  Everything I am using is
defined there except now my backuppc_client module has this...

        sudo::directive { "backuppc":
                ensure  => present,
                source  => "puppet:///modules/backuppc_client/

The backuppc_sudocmd file contains the sudo lines.

- Trey

On May 24, 11:00 pm, Patrick <kc7...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 24, 2011, at 7:58 PM, treydock wrote:
> > I have a similar problem I can't seem to solve...here's what I'm
> > trying to do.
> > I have two modules, backuppc_client and sudo.  Right now I have a node
> > variable that I assign to each node that is used in the sudo module's
> > template to add the necessary entry.  For example....
> > ---manifests/node.pp
> > node 'client1' {
> >        $backuppc_sudocmd = "backupuser ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync"
> >        include baseclass
> >        include backuppc_client::base
> > }
> > ---modules/sudo/templates/sudoers.erb has...
> > <% if has_variable?("backuppc_sudocmd") then %>
> > <%= backuppc_sudocmd %>
> > <% end %>
> > Is there a way for the sudo module to find out or be aware if a client
> > has the "include backuppc_client" in their definition?  Basically I'd
> > like the backuppc_client module's to alter the contents of sudoers
> > file which I can't imagine how to do as sudoers is defined by the sudo
> > module which is part of baseclass and applied to all systems.
> First, do you have a "/etc/sudoers.d/" directory?  That would make things 
> much easier.  
> If not, you might want to look into "puppet_concat" which allows you to build 
> "fragments" that can be templated to build your file.

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