I'd suggest looking into http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3238 if you
have a chance. It's been open a long time and is an inconvenience when using
stored configs.

Nathan Clemons
The worlds largest online language learning community

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Jacob Helwig <ja...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 26 May 2011 09:38:28 -0700, Jacob Helwig wrote:
> >
> > As promised yesterday, here are the results of our first planning
> > meeting.
> >
> > Right now, we're loosely following a Scrum style of development. With
> > the current one-week iteration's backlog outlined below.
> >
> >  * #2128 - Allow arbitrary fact as node_name identifier
> >
> >  * #7224 - Bad english: hostname was not match with the server
> >            certificate
> >
> >  * #4416 - Resources cannot be used on the run where they are synced
> >
> >  * Package type V2 (apt)
> >
> >  * Package type V2 (dpkg)
> >
> >  * Package type V2 (aptitude)
> >
> > We're trying to work on things that we know have annoyed people using
> > Puppet. We are very open to any suggestions on what to add to the
> > following iterations, so please vote on tickets in Redmine[1], and
> > comment on these updates.
> >
> > The "Package type V2" items don't currently have any tickets in Redmine,
> > but the goal will be to clean up the current package type in the hopes
> > of having a clean, "modern" and well tested type, and set of providers
> > that people can use as a reference when writing their own.  If the
> > experiment in refactoring the package type, and the apt, aptitude, and
> > dpkg providers goes well, we plan on continuing on to the rest of the
> > providers.
> >
> > In addition to the iteration backlog, #7670 and #7681 have become
> > priorities that we will be addressing as soon as we can.
> >
> >  * #7670 - operatingsystem fact incorrect after clear on Ubuntu
> >
> >  * #7681 - Regression, arrays and variables
> >
> > [1] http://projects.puppetlabs.com
> >
> Just a quick reminder that we're going to have our planning meeting
> tomorrow.  If you'd like to influence what we end up prioritizing for
> ourselves for the coming week, please speak up.
> #7670, and #7681 have both been fixed, and merged into the appropriate
> branches to be released.
> I've had one suggestion of working on #650 (Puppet replaces conf
> directories when they are symlinks).
> Right now, the back-log looks the same as it did last wednesday due to
> the two "blockers" popping up, and the long holiday weekend here in the
> States.
> --
> Jacob Helwig
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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> =0EHz

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