On Tue, 07 Jun 2011 11:09:32 -0700, Douglas Garstang wrote:
> All,
> Running this on a bare metal server. Package doesn't get installed,
> therefore condition is false. Why?
>     if ! ($is_virtual) {
>         package {
>             'vlock':
>                 ensure => installed;
>         }
>     }
> [pax] app01 ~:# facter | grep is_virtual
> is_virtual => false
> Oh... don't tell me that 'false' isn't false?
> Doug.

Nope, it's not.  It's the string "false".

I've heard some talk about Facter supporting richer/structured data
eventually[1], but we haven't had much time to move forward on that
front.  Hopefully as things ramp up with our recent Open Source Team,
and as we increase community involvement in development of
Puppet/Facter/Dashboard/etc some progress will be able to made towards
that end.


Jacob Helwig

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