On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 6:24 PM, d0ugb <d0u...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Need some help here. I am using puppet to mange some Gentoo boxes, and
> when working with packages I keep getting the following error:
> Could not find a default provider for package
> Version:
> *  app-admin/puppet
>      Latest version available: 0.25.0-r1
>      Latest version installed: 0.25.0-r1
>      Size of files: 592 kB
>      Homepage:      http://reductivelabs.com/projects/puppet
>      Description:   A system automation and configuration management
> software
>      License:       GPL-2

1) I really recommend avoiding versions of puppet whos versions end with a
".0" if you want a stable version.

2) This error means that puppet can't decide which "provider" to use for
installing.  In the case of Ubuntu, this would be "Apt".

3) Look at the type reference
http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/0.25.0/type.html#package and find the
section talking about "provider".  One of them should mention the comment
you use for launching the package manager.  (probably the one mentioning

4) It says catagory is read-only, so remove that.

5) I think "name" isn't needed.  After your manifest is working, try
removing that.

6) You might want to try to figure out why it didn't get the right provider.

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