On Jul 4, 6:12 pm, Daniel Maher <dma...@milestonelab.com> wrote:
> On 07/04/2011 02:46 PM, sanjiv.singh wrote:
> > hi all,
> > I have configured puppet 0.25.4 setup.
> > since last few days , puppet master and client running very slow .It
> > seems puppet client taking soo much time in taking configuration from
> > master (compilation manifest ) ,specially for those node(puppet
> > client ) for which large manifest class  to be compiled and to be
> > deployed .
> > what can i do to over come this issue ?
> What sorts of steps have you already taken in order to investigate the
> problem?  Does the Puppetmaster have enough RAM?  It is otherwise
> overloaded from a system load perspective?  What about those two factors
> on the client(s)?  In other words, have you eliminated all of the
> standard system-based considerations?
> If so, I would recommend running the client manually with test and debug
> enabled, and taking a look at the output there.  As well, if it's
> possible, you may wish to do the same for the master daemon - that will
> give you a much better idea of where along the process any potential
> hangs are occurring.
> Good luck !
> --
> Daniel Maher
> makin' plans now to live on Mars 'cuz I got Earth on lock.

Hi Daniel,
I tried  to run puppet client
/usr/sbin/puppetd --test --debug

there are more entries as following :
debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw
yaml; using pson
debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw
yaml; using pson
debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw
yaml; using pson

its throwing same entries for long time (in minutes), prior it take
few seconds to get catalog from server and get deployed.


even when i fired  puppetrun on master.
it takes long time to trigger puppet client (listening to master).

what cuold be the issue?

Sanjiv singh

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