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On 07/12/2011 05:26 PM, Dan White wrote:
> This tells me RedHat picked Foreman over Cobbler.  It does not tell
> me WHY.
> Their reasons may not apply to my situation.
> I am not trying to be difficult, but I find that I cannot accept an
> opinion on a technical issue without technical information to back it
> up.  Also, this is for my job, so I need to be able to justify my
> decision with more than "The folks on the puppet mailing list told me
> to do it this way".

* strong: foreman, thanks to its smart proxies, is not that subnet
  oriented as cobbler is. Means: You can use one foreman to deploy
  things into multiple subnets/locations from one installation, which
  gets much more complicated with cobbler.

* strong: foreman integrates puppet from the beginning on, means for

** strong: foreman integrates the configuration of puppet nodes, while
   cobbler has a much simpler general "external parameter" option meant
   for any configuration management system
** strong: foreman integrates puppet reporting, while with cobbler you
   would need another tool, like dashboard.

* strong: foreman has much better support for other distros than redhat
  based distros

* medium: cobbler has better integration to address baremetals, like
  powering them on via powerbars. According to my current knowledge
  foreman doesn't (yet) have the capability to tell powerbars to turn
  baremetals on.

* medium non-technical: cobbler is integrated in the current
  spacewalk/satellite solution, while foreman is part of the next
  generation of redhat's "satellite". -> http://katello.org

* medium: cobbler can also manage external repositories, while foreman
  rather delegates that to other tools (rsync scripts,...).

* uncertain, but rather strong: foreman has better integration with
  libvirt, actually within the webinterface cobbler doesn't have one at
  all imho. but I could be wrong...

* weak: foreman is written in the same language as puppet, so if you
  anyway would have to learn both ruby and python, it might be easier
  to have 2 new tools written in the same language

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