After I ran that manifest, with this only

#Package to install
package { 'Bindscript20100601.dmg':
   provider    => pkgdmg,
   ensure      => installed,
   source      => '/etc/puppet/bindscript/files/

I am now receiving these errors and on the second error,
Bindscript.dmg disappears as if it's deleting itself. I've created the
dmg in disk utility in Mac osx.

On Jul 12, 4:19 pm, vella1tj <> wrote:
> Hi, I am trying run a package once and when it completes I want my
> manifest to create a touch file and from that file being placed there
> it will not run again. I have this so far, but have been running into
> syntax problems/invalid parameters.
> #Package to install
>  package { 'Bindscript20100601.dmg':
>    provider    => pkgdmg,
>    ensure      => installed,
>    source      => 'temp/location/rightnow/Bindscript20100601.dmg',
>    notify      => [Exec['blahblah']],
>    onlyif      => "test -e /var/db/.bindscript",}
>   exec {'blahblah':
>    command     =>'touch /var/db/.bindscript',
>    path        =>['/usr/bin']
> }
> If you need more information please ask.

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