
I'm having some trouble with the following setup:

node 'serverA' inherits server-defaults {
  include myApp::install

node 'server-defaults' inherits default {
  $sudoenv = 'custom_server'

node default {
  $sudoenv = 'default'
  include sudoers::config

class sudoers::config {
  file { "/etc/sudoers":
    ensure => file,
    owner => "root",
    group => "root",
    mode => 440,
    source => "puppet:///modules/sudoers/sudoers_

I have then created to files: sudoers_default and

I want to have a default sudoers file on most of my servers, but on a
few others, I need a different one, but on serverA I only get the
sudoers_default file. I have tried to create it as a template (still
using the $sudoenv varialbe) but this does not have any effect. Only
if I move the include sudoers::config to the 'server-defaults' node,
then it works as I want.

Being somewhat new to puppet, I really cant figure out how I can solve
this task, but hopefully somebody can give some good hints?

There isn't any of my default variables that I can use instead of

Hope somebody has hints


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