I have a module for backuppc, and am trying to pass a hash to a define
to create a single script and the necessary directories.  What I can't
seem to figure out how to do is have this hash's values be used to
create files / directories and also populate a template.

Here's the hash...

    $backuppc_db_dumps =  {
        redmine => {
                'backup_dir'    => '/var/www/rails/redmine',
                'databases'     => 'redmine',
                'dump_dir'      => '/backups/misc-sqldumps',
        general => {
                'backup_dir'    => '/etc',
                'databases'     => 'mysql',
                'dump_dir'      => '/backups/misc-sqldumps',

I have successfully used that to with a template to generate a script,
but am unsure how to pass those values to a define in order to ensure
the "dump_dir" exists.

After the above variable I added

backuppc::sqldump { $backuppc_db_dumps: }

Here's the define ...

define backuppc::sqldump () {

    file {
            ensure  => directory,
            owner   => 'root',
            group   => 'root',
            mode    => '0770',

Is this something that's even possible?  The error I get doesn't make
any sense to me...

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Invalid tag "generaldump_dir/backups/misc-
sqldumpsdatabasesredminebackup_dir/var/www/rails/redmine" at /etc/
puppet/modules/backuppc/manifests/definitions/sqldump.pp:9 on node

- Trey

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