On Fri, 26 Aug 2011, Michael Stahnke wrote:

> * Dashboard now requires Ruby 1.8.7 to operate

I've always found it odd that sysadmins would opt for such an unstable
language.  One where minor revisions are often backwards incompatible
changes to the language.  The ruby design seems to this particular
sysadmin, to be contraindicative of something that can be well
sysadminned.  So it seems odd that it's the backbone of such an important
sysadmin tool.

All distributions have a reasonable method of including a good selection
of perl modules.  And perl is pretty stable over time.  But this choice of
not debugging the problems with ruby 1.8.5 leads to it being impossible to
host dashboard on redhat 5 entirely.

I don't have the freedom of not chosing rhel at work.  If I provisioned a
new rhel6 server for the new puppet infrastructure, then I'd just be
pushing back the problem until next year when dashboard decided to come
out with ruby dependencies of > 1.8.7.

Is there a great need for choosing bleeding edge features of an unstable
language for a sysadmin tool that's meant to be around for a long time
because of the amount of investment required in setting it up?

</rant, part question>

Tim Connors

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