> basically anyone attempting to do anything reasonable with ruby on RHEL 5.x 
> (or any of the free repackaged distributions of RHEL 5.x) knows that 1.8.5 
> version is just short of useless and has implemented other fixes.

Some comments on this thread, and current software development trends
in general.

Craig, the version of ruby that ships with RHEL 5 was good enough for
many things, including dashboard <= 1.1.  So, while it may have
problems and limitations,  I think you overstate things to say it is
"just short of useless."

Also, "long in the tooth" is subjective; RHEL 5 (and the derivative
works) are currently supported distributions with significant
installed user bases.  Many environments, for many different reasons,
have decided that EL is the best choice for them.  It's important to
respect those decisions.  As a system administrator, I see people
ignore compatibility with the EL distros regularly, and it's
unfortunate that many people wave their hands with phrases like 'long
in the tooth,' 'next to useless,' or 'any modern linux
distribution' (from another project I was asked to install recently),
which don't mesh well with the realities of significant parts of the
installed linux base.

In this case, as was pointed out, there are fairly simple ways to get
ruby >1.8.5 onto an EL 5 system.  But when someone writes an app
against the lastest and greatest libgtk and friends, and uses the most
recent versions of everything because that's what's available on their
latest ubuntu release, it simply cuts them off from many potential
users, for perhaps very little developer gain.  Developers should
consider carefully the run-time requirements vs. the target audience
as part of the development process.

I agree with Ramin that a different numbering scheme for ruby versions
would have made more sense.  A tiny version change (e.g. 1.8.5 to
1.8.7) would be understood in many release contexts to contain bug-
fixes only and introduce no higher-level incompatibilities (a very
broad simplification, but still true).  Version numbers mean something
very different to the ruby development team than they do to many other
knowledgeable people.

All that being said, if the dashboard development folks have decided
that 1.8.7 is needed, then 1.8.7 it is.  Perhaps pointers to suitable
ruby builds could be included in the release notes (or on the download
page, etc., etc.) as an aid to those who will need to upgrade.

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