Hi all,

I'm planning to upgrade our server/client to 2.7 and would like to
completely understand the big change in the dynamic scope deprecation.

It says that 2.7 will issue deprecation warning. Ok, so I've upgraded a
test server, test node and moved my code there. ran puppet and  no
warnings. Great!

So, now, I'd like to qualify my vars. In a code like:

class global_defaults {
        include common::ganglia
        include common::bacula
        include common::snmp

node 'mynode' {
        $mcast_ip = ''
        $cluster = 'Test'
        $pakiti_tag = 'tag1'
        $grid_service = 'ui'
        $root_password = 'ui'
        $rootkit_detector_mail = 'arnaubria_at_my_domain'
        include global_defaults

all the vars defined into "mynode" refer to classes included in

So,i.e, $mcast_ip and $cluster which refer to ganglia module should
they be renamed to $common::ganglia::mcast_ip and
$common::ganglia::cluster ?

Cause this is not working and giving a error:

Cannot assign to variables in other namespaces

**same if I declare them "global" variables $::mcast_ip

So, what's wrong with my code? why I can't rename my vars to new syntax?


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