So here is my manifest:

class aguu {

        exec { "update":
                command => "apt-get update",
                path => "/usr/bin/"

        exec { "upgrade":
                command => "apt-get upgrade -y",
                path => "/usr/bin/"

It it supposed to run apt-get update + upgrade

This is the output I get:

info: Applying configuration version '1316008127'
notice: //aguu/Exec[update]/returns: executed successfully
err: //aguu/Exec[upgrade]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: apt-get 
upgrade -y returned 100 instead of one of [0] at 
notice: //testmodule1/File[/tmp/testmodule]/ensure: created
warning: Value of 'preferred_serialization_format' (pson) is invalid for 
report, using default (marshal)
notice: Finished catalog run in 3.60 seconds

Apt-get should be returning 100 in case of an error, but if i run the exact 
same command from command line it runs fine.
Any suggestions what should be going wrong?

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