On Sep 14, 2011, at 8:24 PM, Jon Forrest wrote:

> On 9/14/2011 1:58 PM, Dominik Zyla wrote:
>> named-checkzone(8) should be suitable tool for your needs.
> I already knew that. To repeat, what I'm trying to find out
> is a way to get an expanded template without doing a full
> run of puppet. I could then run named-checkzone on that
> and then do a regular run.
> In fact, this is only a special case of the more
> general problem of getting access to any file generated
> by a puppet run without actually putting the files
> in the ultimate destination. In other words, it would
> be like a --test run except files will be generated and
> kept.
I use /etc/puppet/deployment_files for situations such as this. 
Puppet pseudo code...

file {/etc/puppet/deployment_files/zone_name
  source => puppet:///modules/bind/zone_name.erb
  notify => Exec["zone_name.un-deploy"]

exec {"zone_name.un-deploy"
  /bin/rm "/etc/puppet/deployment_files/zone_name.deployed"

exec {"zone_name.deploy"
  touch "/etc/puppet/deployment_files/zone_name.deployed"
  notify => Exec["test - deploy if test successful"]

exec {"test - deploy if test successful"
     command => cat /etc/puppet/deployment_files/zone_name
     unless  => bind-checkzone /etc/puppet/deployment_files/zone_name > 0 AND 
ls ! /etc/puppet/deployment_files/zone_name.deployed
     require => File["/etc/puppet/deployment_files/zone_name"]
     notify  => [ Class["bind::service"], Exec["zone_name.deploy"] ]

That's not all - you might want some notice statements but that's the general 
idea anyway.


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