You might be interested in Puppi, which is a Puppet module and a bash
command that i've written exactly for this reason.
More info: (now terribly slow) or
It mixes the possibility of defining inside puppet manifests what you
need to make a deploy with a simple command that is actually used to
launch the deploy (by hand, via cron, via mcollective or triggered by
whatever tool).
The deploy procedure (commands to execute) can be totally customized,
but there are some ready examples to deploy from a Nexus repository,
or deploy directly wars, tarballs, zip archives and so on.

In few words, in order to be able to issue a command like:
puppi deploy supersite

you write Puppet code like this:
puppi::project::war { "supersite":
    source           => "
    deploy_root      => "/store/tomcat/myapp/webapps",
    report_email     => "",

but you can have more complex arguments like:
puppi::project::maven { "supersite":
    source           => "
    deploy_root      => "/usr/local/tomcat/supersite/webapps",
    config_suffix    => "cfg",
    config_root      => "/srv/htdocs/supersite",
    document_suffix  => "css",
    document_root    => "/srv/htdocs/supersite",
    firewall_src_ip  => $site ? {
        dr      => "",
        main    => "",
    backup_retention => "3",
    init_script      => "tomcat",
    report_email     => "",
    enable           => "true",

And, if you need it, there's the mcollective agent and relevant mc-
puppi command.
Hope it might help,

On Sep 13, 9:53 pm, Ashley Penney <> wrote:
> I know this has come up on the list numerous times before but I
> thought it would be a good time to see if the state of the art has
> advanced for this kind of thing.  I wanted to know how people are
> handling higher level deployment of applications - things that have to
> be done repeatedly but not all the time.  An example of this is
> checking an application out of svn, building it, creating a package
> and then moving it off to a repo.  Or even just building/installing
> locally for developers.
> It never seems to fit well into Puppet for me and I end up with crazy
> complicated manifests to deal with this kind of thing.  I recently
> moved these jobs into Rundeck ( which works pretty
> well but doesn't really leverage any of the stuff I have within
> Foreman/Puppet.  I've seen suggestions to use mcollective but this
> doesn't easily integrate our existing scripts (written in many
> languages) or processes and would require me to force a lot of
> developers to work differently.  I could just have classes that
> trigger scripts only when some condition is met (like /.buildapp
> files) or something along those lines but nothing seems elegant.
> What I'm trying to find out is what other people did to handle this?
> I want something I can build up over time and slowly migrate legacy
> apps and processes into without having to do a massive up front
> development.  It should also be relatively simple and not require me
> to code anything as anyone on the list who knows me can tell you that
> I am absolutely awful at coding.

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