The layout should look something more like this:

With the source lines looking like:

If you wanted 'generic_node' to be the name of the module, then you'd
have the layout as


and the source line as


Jacob Helwig

On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 15:26:16 -0400, Deven Phillips wrote:
> Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 15:26:16 -0400
> From: Deven Phillips <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Issues switching over to using environments
> Message-ID: 
> <>
> The manifest which calls this looks like:
>         file {"/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
>                 owner   => "root",
>                 group   => "root",
>                 mode    => "0644",
>                 ensure  => "present",
>                 source  =>
> "puppet://lou1/modules/files/generic_node/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
>                 require => Package['openssh'],
>                 notify  => Service['ssh'],
>         }
> And the current error on the agent node shows:
> err: /Stage[main]/Secureshell/File[/etc/ssh/sshd_config]: Could not
> evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production
> source(s) puppet://lou1/modules/files/generic_node/etc/ssh/sshd_config
> at /etc/puppet/prod/manifests/classes/ssh.pp:55
> TIA,
> Deven
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Deven Phillips
> <> wrote:
> > Nope, that didn't seem to help the way I tried it... So, here's my layout:
> >
> > /etc/puppet/
> >                  prod/
> >                         modules/
> >                                      files/
> >                                             generic_node/
> >                                                                 etc/
> >                                                                       ssh/
> >
> >       sshd_config
> >
> > From a machine which is using "production" as it's environment, and
> > production points to "prod/modules" for it's modules; I still get
> > errors trying to get the sshd_config file.
> >
> > TIA!!
> >
> > Deven
> >

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