On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Jo Rhett <jrh...@netconsonance.com> wrote:
> Nigel, As you've said, the time chosen for the run cycle will be consistent.
>  All of these settings are already set -- this isn't a question of how to
> change how often to run, it's how to affect the chosen runtime?
> I've got an awful lot of systems (> 100) which have decided to all roll at
> 28 and 58 minutes after the hour.  How can I rebalance them?

This is exactly why I use cron instead of the daemon.
In my module that configures puppet I have:

    # These are used to set when the puppet_run cron job runs.
    $time1 = fqdn_rand(30)
    $time2 = $time1 + 30

    cron {
            command => "$common::data::bindir/puppet_run.sh",
            user    => root,
            minute  => [$time1, $time2],
            ensure  => present,
            require => File["$common::data::bindir/puppet_run.sh"];

The fqdn_rand gives me a consistent random number per host, and so far
this has been much better than letting the daemon try to splay things
on it's own.

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