> You are about to blow your foot off, or at least your little toe.  You
> cannot include a parameterized class twice, not even with the same
> parameters, and certainly not with different parameters.  That will
> scuttle catalog compilation for node nfsserver.
> If you abandon class parameterization then you can do this with class
> inheritance, but the two do not work well together.  The class
> inheritance approach might look something like this:
> class nfs {
>   include nfs::params, nfs::install, nfs::config, nfs::service
> }
> class nfs::service::enabled inherits nfs::service {
>   # Override Service['nfs'] to ensure it enabled and running
> }
> node basenode {
>     include nfs
>     ...
> }
> node nfsserver inherits basenode {
>     include nfs::service::enabled
> }
That looks good to me, easy to understand, which makes me feel stupid for not 
thinking about it myself.

> Alternatively, you can make basenode not include class nfs, leaving
> the choice of class parameters to the more specific node types, but
> then every one of them must include class nfs itself.
> Or you could use external data, such as obtained via extlookup() or
> hiera, to define whether nodes should be enabled as NFS servers.  That
> would not only allow you to dispense with class nfs's parameters, but
> probably you could also drop node nfsserver.

Extlookup has been on my todo-list for a while, I just figured I'd try to get a 
better feel for the basics before I go there.

> In general (says me), you should avoid defining class parameters whose
> purpose is to tweak the *meaning* of the class, such as your $client
> and $server parameters.  That sort of purpose is better served by
> providing distinct classes.  As a rule of thumb, do not define class
> parameters whose values are not intended to end up as [part of]
> resource property values.  (That's supposing you have already decided
> to ignore my maxim #1 of Puppet class parameterization: don't do it.)

I haven't really decided anything yet, I'm certainly not set on using 
parameterized classes, I'm mostly trying to find the Right Way to do things.

> Using external data to tweak the meaning of a class is at least better
> than using parameters for the same purpose.  It causes the same kind
> of ambiguation of the class's meaning, but at least it doesn't
> introduce the practical limitations that come with class
> parameterization.
> John
Thanks for the input, I'll see if I can make the first way you suggested 
working, seems easy enough. :)
Oh and sorry for the mail formatting...Outlook...


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