On 2011-11-21 12:50 , Jeff Sussna wrote:
> Trying to get Puppet 2.7.6/Facter 1.6.2 running on Windows XP SP3.
> Followed the install instructions carefully, got no errors. facter and
> puppet both hang no matter what I try. The only things that don't hang
> are:
> facter operatingsystem (or any other individual facter query)
> facter --version
> facter --debug hangs, as does puppet --version or any other puppet
> command, including 'puppet config print all'.
> Anyone have success getting puppet running on XP?

Right now, Puppet & Facter are only supported on Server 2003 & Server
2008, since those are the only platforms we tested against when working
on the Windows support.  If come up with patches to get past the hangs
on XP we'd love to see them.

Which install instructions were you following?  If it didn't clearly
call out which platforms are currently supported, we'll need to update
the instructions.

Jacob Helwig

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