Hi Will,

I don't use the module but every time I see the word 'undef' in an error I think "a variable is used before being defined".

Line 80:

  file { "${apache::params::conf}/mods-available":
    ensure => directory,
    source => $lsbmajdistrelease ? {
      5 => "puppet:///modules/apache/etc/httpd/mods-available/redhat5/",
      6 => "puppet:///modules/apache/etc/httpd/mods-available/redhat6/",
    recurse => true,
    mode => 644,
    owner => "root",
    group => "root",
    seltype => "httpd_config_t",
    require => Package["apache"],

The only selector operator in there is:

source =>  $lsbmajdistrelease {

That is an LSB Fact. You can confirm that the Fact is available by running "facter -p | grep lsb" on your Puppet Agent system.

IIRC you only get LSB Facts if you have the necessary LSB package, which is redhat-lsb on RHEL I think.

On 20/12/11 09:07, Will S. G. wrote:

I'm attempting to use the camptocamp / puppet-apache module on one of
my CentOS 6 hosts. I defined include apache on my node, imported the
modules, and then executed puppetd to run. This is what I see when I
run it:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: No matching value for selector param 'undef' at /etc/puppet/
modules/apache/manifests/redhat.pp:85 on node

The message is a bit cryptic to me since line 85 is not really
referring to anything that's substantially useful to my
troubleshooting process.

Given the lack of readme notes (most of it talks about auth), I don't
think I have the full scope, of how I'm supposed to set up the module.
Has anyone else successfully deployed this module, let alone, on a
CentOS 5/6 host?

Thank you,

Luke Bigum
Information Systems
+44 (0) 20 3192 2520
luke.bi...@lmax.com | http://www.lmax.com
LMAX, Yellow Building, 1A Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN

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