On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Gary Larizza <g...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:

> Hey Gonzalo,
> Have you tried Hiera at all? (http://github.com/puppetlabs/hiera and
> http://github.com/puppetlabs/hiera-puppet )  With Hiera (and,
> specifically the hiera_array() function), you can scour through a hierarchy
> to populate a variable inside your Puppet manifest.  If you had a variable
> to set excludes in many levels of your hierarchy, then
> hiera_array('yum_excludes') would search every level of the hierarchy
> (pertinent to your node according to its Facter facts) for a variable
> called 'yum_excludes', and return an array with all values that it finds.
>  You could then utilize a template to populate the "exclude=" line in
> yum.conf.

Ah, yes. I've heard of Hiera but didn't really have a use case for it. I'll
definitely check it out.

Thanks Gary!

- Gonzalo

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