Hi Marco,

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 7:22 AM, Marco Parra D. <marco.parr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi guys, I trying to modify a file on Windows using puppet,  I got a
> template file like this:
> [default]
> host = SOmeNAme
> [WinEventLog:Security]
> disabled = 1
> is copied using puppet to the windows machine as C:\Program
> Files\Soft1\inputs.conf
> And I need to replace the host line with the real name of the windows
> machine:
> i.e.: host = machine1
> Is this possible using puppet for windows?
> Regards.

Yes, definitely. You should be able to specify the file content parameter
as a template:

  file { 'C:\Program Files\Soft1\inputs.conf':
    ensure => present,
    content => template('module/template.erb')

and then in your template template.erb, you can have it resolve the value
of the host property using the agent's hostname fact:

  host = <%= @hostname %>

This page provides more information about puppet templates:


Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet Labs

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