Michael Stahnke wrote:
For the next major Puppet version, code-named Telly, we have some changes coming. This is the first in a series of emails around these changes and may require some input from the community.

For Telly, the nagios types will be moved into a module. This allows them to be iterated on in isolation from the rest of Puppet's core release cycle and process. In the future we have plans to move several other types into modules that can be individually maintained, improved, tested and used.

The module for Nagios will be available on the Forge.

The upgrade path is the thing we need some feedback about. The basic steps to upgrade would be to setup a Telly master, and then install the Nagios module via the Puppet Module Tool, which ships integrated with 2.7.13+ and Telly.

Is it possible to package these modules for distros? In the past, we've had a few requests to do this for third-party modules but we didn't do this because there wasn't really any standard for it. With puppet module tool being integrated now, perhaps that's something that can be reconsidered.

I'm thinking that for folks using rpm, they'd rather see an update that pulls in the same fucntionality as they had before. And even for new installs, I'd personally prefer to install these things via rpm. If I wanted to use a secondary package management system, I could use gems or eggs or CPAN, but I don't. ;)

I think it's good to split out these things, as it would allow us to properly add a nagios dep to the hypothetical puppet-module-nagios package.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
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    -- W. C. Fields

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