On 04/24/2012 09:19 AM, Calimero wrote:
I worked with puppet (< 0.25) back in 2008/2009. We were able to
deploy 200 servers from scratch and manage them. It worked fine.
I'm now with a new customer and I'm pushing Puppet (and I'm also back
to puppet on a side project).
We're considering Puppet 2.6 to manage RHEL/CentOS 5 or 6 hosts. I'm
"upgrading myself" to Puppet 2.6's new concepts and features.
Anyway consider this for the sake of argument:
- node server1.hostingcompanyAlpha.com
-- hosted on a dedicated server at provider Alpha
-- production
- node server2.hostingcompanyBeta.net
-- hosted on a dedicated server at provider Beta
-- production
- node staging.myprivatenetwork.priv
-- hosted on my customer's private network
-- staging/QA
- node dev.myprivatenetwork.priv
-- hosted on my customer's private network
-- development server
Those four nodes must host the same elements:
- Apache HTTPD with multiple VHosts
- Extra software ...
There are a few differences between nodes:
- Servers don't have the same capabilities (CPU/Mem/bandwidth): we
need to tweak Apache's MaxClients settings on a per-host basis
- We need to tweak PHP : displaying errors on 'staging' and 'dev' but
hiding them on server1/server2 (ie: setting 'display_errors' to 'on'
or 'off' in php.ini)
- On development and staging/testing servers we need to change some of
the VHosts definitions: add extra serverAliases, etc ...
- server1, server2 and staging/dev must use different DNS servers (/
etc/resolv.conf) and RPM Mirrors (yumrepo{ })
I've read the following blog post:
[snip ...]
I use facter variables to set dynamic parameters based on the host. For
example I created a module to modify sysctl entries:
node dbserver.example.com {
include sysctl
# Modify sysctl values
$shmall = inline_template("<%= (memorysizeinbytes.to_i +
swapsizeinbytes.to_i) / 4096 %>")
sysctl_entry { "kernel.shmall": value => $shmall, ensure => present }
*Les Ault* VCP, RHCE
Linux Systems Administrator, Office of Information Technology
Computing Systems Services
The University of Tennessee
135A3 Kingston Pike Building
2309 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: 865-974-1640
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