On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 12:05 PM, R.I.Pienaar <r...@devco.net> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Pieter van de Bruggen" <pie...@puppetlabs.com>
> <snip>
> >
> >     * How should we integrate hiera_array() and hiera_hash() ?
> >     * How should we integrate hiera ’s “default” and “override”
> >     parameters?
> >     * How should we handle overlaps between data supplied by Hiera
> >     and data supplied in a parameterized class include?
> Given:
> class foo($something="default") { }
> I think the plan was that there would be a priority order as below:
>  - someone wrote in a manifest: class{"foo": something => something}
>  - an ENC supplied the values for something on the class foo
>  - someone did "include foo" or class{"foo": } this would consult hiera
>  - if hiera does not have an answer it would default to "default"

 Would be possible to define which function is called in this case? by
default that should be heira, but in case someone wants something else, I
think we should allow that?


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