
To try and cut a long story short, foreman is telling us that anywhere
between 15-30 of our ~130 nodes are failing to check-in within the
last 35 minutes.  Hosts that fail to check in continue to fail for
roughly 1.5 hours, then check in successfully.  The group of failing
nodes seems to rotate around the server estate, so the problem doesn't
look host specific.  I suspect this is a load issue, and therefore am
trying to run puppet-load to verify this.

I've followed the instructions at 
and am running:

./puppet-load.rb --debug --verbose --node server.domain.com --server
master.domain.com --factsdir=/var/lib/puppet/yaml/facts --cert /var/
lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet-load.domain.com.pem --key /var/lib/puppet/

I see the following output:

1 requests finished in 0.04288 s
1 requests failed
<snip timing stats>

The following appears in /var/log/messages:

Denying access: Forbidden request: master.domain.com(10.x.x.x) access
to /catalog/server.domain.com [find] at line 99
Forbidden request: master.domain.com(10.x.x.x) access to /catalog/
server.domain.com [find] at line 99

I'm using puppet-2.7.14 running on RHEL-5.8 with Ruby-1.8.7 RPMs from
aegisco.  In case it matters, Foreman is 0.4.2.

Thanks for any help, either in being able to get puppet-load to load
test our environment, or in letting me know what might cause our
clients to fail to check in reliably if it's not a load issue.



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