On Jun 20, 2012, at 3:02 PM, Nick Fagerlund wrote:
> What R.I. said. Hyphens in variable names and class names are a no-no, 
> although they kinda work in some versions of Puppet. Use underscores instead. 
> (Why are hyphens a problem? Well, partly because you can subtract variables 
> in expressions. The ambiguity turned out to be a problem.)

Sorry, I replied to RIP because I didn't see your reply yet.

I'm not saying that you're wrong, but I'm still struggling to see this. Every 
place that class names are used should be single quoted, according to your 
style guide. And it's very easy in a syntax to tell the different between 
'test-jo + 2' and 'test - jo + 2'. Those are not ambiguous. 

The problems with not supporting dashes is the incredible lack of party between 
the packages/services/files they manage and the name of the class. It's pretty 
much guaranteed human error, and pretty much wipes out auto-generating puppet 
policies without a hundred lines of try this name instead, okay try this other 
name instead...

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : net philanthropy to improve open source and internet projects.

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