I've begun using Hiera in combination with Foreman, primarily storing data 
that is best left in Array/Hash form.  I'd like to be able to have a 
module, in this case BackupPC, query all the Hiera data for each node where 
the backup directories/databases are stored.  Then use all that information 
on the BackupPC server to generate proper configuration files for each 
node's backups.  Here's what I have so far...

$ cat /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml 
  - %{fqdn}
  - common
  - yaml
  - puppet
  :datadir: '/etc/puppet/hieradata'
  :datasource: data

An example of the BackupPC information in hiera
$ cat /etc/puppet/hieradata/dc-ctrl.tamu.edu.yaml 
    backup_dir: '/usr/share/foreman'
    backup_dir: '/etc'

I am currently using that data to create dump scripts on each node, and 
would like to re-use the same information to automatically configure the 
backup server to grab those locations.

This attempt may work, but it doesn't 'feel' right to me by overriding the 
fqdn fact.

/etc/puppet/modules/test  $ cat manifests/hiera_lookup.pp 
class test::hiera_lookup {
  $nodes = foreman('fact_values', 'fact = fqdn')

  if $nodes {
    create_resources('test::hiera_lookup::get_data', $nodes)

define test::hiera_lookup::get_data (
) {

 $data = hiera("backuppc_db_dumps", false)

  if $data { notify { $data: } }


Is there a better approach to override scope and grab what data from hiera 
that would normally not be available to a node?

- Trey

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