Your source path should be 
Leave out the 'files' part.

-- Jenner

On Monday, August 6, 2012 12:01:20 PM UTC-7, Juan Sierra Pons wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have been fighting this issue without success for several days. I am 
> sure some of you have dealt with something similar: 
> I have 2 manifest one for vim which works like a charm : 
> class vim { 
>         if $operatingsystem == "Debian" { 
>                 package {"vim": 
>                         ensure => present, 
>                 } 
>                 package {'vim-puppet': 
>                         ensure  => present, 
>                         require => Package["vim"], 
>                 } 
>         } 
>                 file { "/etc/vim/vimrc": 
>                 owner   => "root", 
>                 group   => "root", 
>                 mode    => 0644, 
>                 source 
>  =>"puppet://$puppetserver/modules/vim/etc/vim/vimrc", 
>                 require => Package["vim"], 
>                 } 
>         } 
> The source file is downloaded ok 
> Aug  6 20:49:55 virtualito puppet-agent[26967]: 
> (/Stage[main]/Vim/File[/etc/vim/vimrc]/ensure) defined content as 
> '{md5}b98e8ce84974ad114ec0e12b8b97fa1f' 
> BUT I have a similar manifest for ntp: 
> class ntp { 
>         if $is_virtual == 'false' { 
>                 package { 'ntp': 
>                 ensure => present, 
>         } 
>                 service { 'ntp': 
>                   ensure     => 'running', 
>                   enable     => 'true', 
>                   hasrestart => 'true', 
>                   require    => Package['ntp'] 
>         } 
>                 file { "/etc/ntpd.conf": 
>                   owner   => "root", 
>                   group   => "root", 
>                   mode    => 0644, 
>                   require => Package["ntp"], 
>                   source => 
> "puppet://$puppetserver/modules/ntp/files/etc/ntp.conf", 
>                 } 
>         } 
>         if $is_virtual == 'true' { 
>                 package { 'ntp': 
>                 ensure => purged, 
>                 } 
>         } 
> } 
> In this case the source file is not downloaded and the logs show the 
> following output: 
> (/Stage[main]/Ntp/File[/etc/ntpd.conf]) Could not evaluate: Could not 
> retrieve information from environment production source(s) 
> puppet:///modules/ntp/files/etc/ntp.conf at 
> /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp:19 
> I have already checked that puppet user can get to the proper file so 
> is not a issue of FS permission. 
> Any idea? 
> Best regards 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Juan Sierra Pons                        
> Linux User Registered: #257202 
> GPG key = 0xA110F4FE 
> Key Fingerprint = DF53 7415 0936 244E 9B00  6E66 E934 3406 A110 F4FE 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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