I'm having a really hard time grasping how variables are scoped in
puppet (not really much of a programmer).

I've got a manifest that looks like this:
class puppet::config {
  include puppet::params
  file { '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf':
    ensure  => present,
    content => template('puppet/puppet.conf.erb'),
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'admins',
    require => Class['puppet::install'],
    notify  => Class['puppet::service'],

I've then got a manifest like this, which has a class being included above:
class puppet::params {
  $puppetserver = 'command.enterawesome.com'

The template being used in the first class includes the variable
$puppetserver, but somehow, the include statement isn't enough for the
variable to be defined within the scope of the manifest/template
What gives?
It works just fine if I include a statement like this in the erb file:
<%= scope.lookupvar('puppet::params::puppetserver') %>

But I'd really like to understand scoping better. What is it I need to
do to just refer to the variable by name? Why isn't the include
statement enough? Isn't in including the puppet::params class inside
the puppet::config class, and therefore having the variable defined in
that context? Apparently not. But I don't understand why. I wan't to
end up at a point where the variable is in the proper scope, such that
I can just have a statement like <%= puppetserver %> inside of the
template I'm using.

Thanks in advance!

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