I am getting following errors with the latest puppetlabs-apache
module. I am using Puppet 2.6.16 on CentOS 6.2 OSs and with required
dependency modules firewall (v0.0.4-80-g63fd433) and stdlib (3.0.0-27-
g4e25230) installed in the modulepath.

I have included only following class to in a node template:
class{'apache': }

When the catalog is being fetched for the first time then I get
following error:
Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Syntax error at 'apache::mod::dav'; expected ']' at /etc/puppet/


After restarting the concerned Puppet client I see a different error:
Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Could not find class apache::mod::dav_fs in namespaces
apache::mod::default at /etc/puppet/modules/apache/manifests/mod/

Am I missing any dependencies or do I need to configure any parameters
before using this module? Appreciate all the help.


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