Thanks John, that's exactly what I'm looking for, but am having trouble 
getting it to work. I read the Custom 
Facts<>and Plugins 
in Modules <> docs, 

added pluginsync = true to puppet.conf on the puppetmaster and restarted 
the service:

[root@puppet01 facter]# puppet config print all |grep pluginsync
pluginsync = true

added my custom fact to {module}/lib/facter/pgsql_pkg.rb:

Facter.add("pgsql_pkg") do
setcode do
Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("echo itworks")

but then after doing a puppet run on the client, it does not appear in the 
output of facter [-p]. I do see the script has synced to 
/var/lib/puppet/facts on the client. 

any ideas? thanks.

On Monday, September 24, 2012 7:21:04 AM UTC-7, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Friday, September 21, 2012 7:40:52 PM UTC-5, Justin Ryan wrote:
>> I would like to place a file with puppet only if a certain package is 
>> installed on the system -- but assuming this package is not puppet-managed. 
>> Checking for the presence of a non-puppet-managed file is also ok. Is this 
>> possible? using require => Package['mypkg'] doesn't work if it's not 
>> puppet-managed. thanks. 
> For those details where you want Puppet to adapt to the client node 
> instead of managing it to a known state, your first recourse should be node 
> facts.  Puppet and Facter don't provide built-in facts describing whether 
> particular packages are installed, but it's pretty easy to write custom 
> facts and distribute them via Puppet's 'pluginsync' mechanism.  See, for 
> example,
> Supposing that you create a custom fact 'mypkg_installed', you could then 
> use something like this in your manifest:
> if $::mypkg_installed == 'yes' {
>   file { '/etc/mypkg/special-file':
>     # ...
>   }
> }
> (Note that that does not force the file absent if the package is not 
> installed; that's certainly possible, but I leave it as an exercise.)
> John

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