On Friday, September 28, 2012 3:31:11 AM UTC-5, pierre-emmanuel degand 
> Hi, I try to include or import a lot of configuration files in a node, but 
> it doesn't work :/
> I create a module to configure bind, but i have a lot of domains to 
> configure in the node of my server, so i decided to create an other module 
> just to register my configuration with 1 file per domain (i have around 200 
> domains, so arount 200 files...). 
> My tree (for the configuration module) : 
> module/
> conf_bind/
> manifests/
> init.pp
>  bind/
> domain1_conf.pp
> ...
> domain200_conf.pp
> Init.pp :
> class conf_bind {
> }
> I tried " import 'bind/*.pp' " , but it worked only once on my VM... The 
> only solution i have now it's to include my domain*_conf one by one, but 
> i'll be very long...
> If someone got an idea :) thanks
The 'import' function is the wrong tool for this job (indeed there is only 
about one job for which it is appropriate).

You don't describe the contents of your bind/domainX_conf.pp manifests, but 
with the layout you describe, each should be of this form:

class conf_bind::bind::domainX_conf {
  # declarations for configuring domain X...

Then in the module's init.pp you would have:

class conf_bind {
  include 'conf_bind::bind::domain1_conf'
  include 'conf_bind::bind::domain2_conf'
  # ...
  include 'conf_bind::bind::domain200_conf'

Puppet DSL does not provide a way to use pattern matching to assign classes 
to nodes, and it does not provide for textual interpolation in the manner 
of the C preprocessor's "#include" directive.  In particular, Puppet's 
'include' function performs a fundamentally different job than does cpp's 


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