I've been using Hiera and Hiera-Puppet with Puppet 2.7 for a while now, and 
I've been quite enjoying it. I just noticed the available update for Puppet 
and saw that Hiera was now part of core Puppet. However, I've been unable 
to parse exactly what parts made it over, and every source of information I 
read seems to have different info. My confusion includes:

   1. The Hiera-Puppet functions, hiera() and the array, hash and include 
   versions. They appear in the 3.0.0 doc, but I've read they may be 
   deprecated, changed or even unnecessary, their functionality having been 
   incorporated into things like lookup() and include(). Since I've been 
   making fairly heavy use of them, I need to know if I should migrate my 
   modules to something else.
   2. The hierarchy itself. How much of the configurability made it over? 
   I've been using a custom fact or two in mine, and I'm wondering if that's 
   still supported. Also, I've been using a combination of YAML on disk and a 
   puppet data module to store variables, is that still supported?

Basically, I've been having trouble finding consistent documentation on the 
subject of what changed and what didn't, so if someone could explain or 
point me to the correct docs, that would be greatly appreciated, as I 
really want to upgrade to take advantage of the other new features.

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