On Friday, October 5, 2012 12:40:07 PM UTC-5, eduardo wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I wondering why having provider=useradd the parameter managehome => 
> true don't delete home directory ? 
>  I have : 
> user { $name: ensure => absent, managehome => true } 
> As result, home directory was not deleted. 
> I appreciate any advise about it. 
> Thanks in advanced, eduardo 

It is reasonably common to want to create home directories automatically 
when creating a user account, but at least as common to want to *avoid*removing 
them when removing a user.  I see that the type reference appears 
to suggest that "managehome => true" would produce both behaviors, but that 
is not consistent with historic Puppet behavior, which is to provide only 
homedir creation, not removal.  I don't know whether the docs are 
misleading, whether Puppet is buggy in this regard, or whether you're using 
a different version than is described by the current docs.

If you want to work around this issue, you can wrap your User declarations 
in a defined type that provides the desired behavior.  A minimalistic 
version might look something like this:

define user::hosted_user ($ensure = 'present') {
  $homedir = "/home/${name}"

  user { "${name}":
    ensure => "${ensure}",
    home => "${homedir}",
    managehome => true

  if "${ensure}" == 'absent' {
    file { "${homedir}":
      ensure => absent,
      recurse => true,
      require => User["${name}"]

You could then use it like so:

user::hosted_user { 'eduardo': ensure => absent }

For real-world use you would probably want additional parameters, etc.


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